So following on from Last post about Xmas Traditions, I wanted to share some wrapping inspiration. A tradition we have enjoy the last couple of years, is a fun competition every year for the Xmas period on Instagram and it’s always so fun to look through all the amazing wrapping everyone from around the world has created. It gets you into the spirit of Xmas and even the grinchiest people still love to see a pretty wrapped present.
This year I am including lots of colour and gold and glitter. My tree is full of gold and pink and fun, so I might have my presents matching the tree a little!?! Here are some favourite wrapping ideas I have been drooling over
I’m so in love with this style of wrapping. By Be Crafty
love that gold deer. By Monika Hibbs
It wouldn’t be a wrapping post without Studio DIY
via Simplified bee original was on Easy but product is no longer available.
by Lay baby lay
from Design Love Fest
Poppies for Grace for Inside Out Magazine
SO as you can see I LOVE a bit of colour and sparkle at Xmas. Do you have a theme you go with for your Xmas wrapping?? Dont forget to share your Christmas wrapping on Instagram and hashtag with showmeyourchristmaswrapping